Saturday, November 7, 2009

So Selfish

Committing suicide: Voluntarily deciding to end your existence. Isn't that kinda nuts? Do you ever think about that kind of shit? I do. Well, I don't think about actually committing the act, but I think about how bizzar it is. Do you realize, every thirty seconds, someone commits suicide. That's 2,800 a day. That's one million a year. That's alot of people. Think about it this way; by the time you finish reading this, someone will kill themself. The ultimate form of feeling worthless, no good, unhappy with life, no way out etc.etc. Then.... BAM! Dead. That's intense! The most interesting part of killing yourself, is, there's so many creative ways of doing it. That's the fun part. The only sad thing is, nobody gets creative anymore, people just like to shoot themselves in the head. That's boring. I wanna hear about a politician putting rat poison in his fish taco. Or, a police officer playing Russian rulet all by himself with a loaded gun. Or, one of the Jonas Brothers deliberately overdosing off of cocaine because he broke the promise between his brothers by fucking a groupie.
You might be surprised, but I don't feel about suicide the same way most people feel about suicide. I don't see the big deal. I don't think it's a selfish act to engage in, I really don't. In fact, I think it's selfish for friends and family to expect someone to stay alive and endure the mental or physical pain they are going through. So I say, feel free. No skin off of my nose. Lets be optimistic, consider it to be population control. Planet Earth is over populated as it is, so don't hesitate, just do it. I heard jumping off of high rise buildings gets the job done. Or move to Washington, they have assisted suicide. Just an idea. My point is, if your gonna kill yourself, make sure it's worth talking about. I'm here to help.

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