Friday, October 30, 2009
Let 'em live....or die!
Lets talk about abortion. There is alot of stuff I don't understand about abortion on both sides. I've thought about it alot and I'm convinced that it's all stupid bullshit. I say, do what you want to do and do it, but if you don't want to do it, then don't! Stop making it every one's problem and go on with life. The conservative group who wants to make abortion illegal, is the same group who supports war. Remember war? It's when two countries have a religious or political disagreement, then they send other people's children off to die. America is good at that one. Does that ring a bell? But anyway. Am I missing something? They only care about human life for the first 18 years, then after that, fuck it, send 'em off to war! Is that's whats going on? The liberal group who supports abortion is the same group who is trying to save the trees. But what about the prosperity of humanity? Isn't that kinda important? The liberals want it to be the woman's right to choose. Okay, fine! I agree. But don't you want the fetus to grow into an intelligent beautiful woman so she can have the right to choose? Huh? Just an idea. Or maybe, just maybe, is all this abortion shit turned into abunch of people trying to control other people's lives? Here's something you Republicans and Democrats obviously never thought of- MIND YOUR OWN FUCKIN' BUSINESS!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Singing and dancing shows.
Ready to hear me ramble on again? Okay, listen up people. T.V shows! Fuck!?!?! What the hell is going on with these competition shows with all the British hosts and judges? Is that really needed? These fuckin' accents. Whats it supposed to represent? Elegance? Proper? High class? Every show has them now: Dancing with the stars, So you think you can dance, American Idol. I'm tired of it! Ya see, I'm Irish, and the British has a history of invading, raping and killing my blood. They are as ruthless as the American history. I know, it's in the past, but it' still not needed on American television. These bucked-toothed long-necked hosts need to go back to their lame tea-parties. Alright, enough with that. Whats going on with these dancers? They cry more when they get good feedback from the judges and when they advance to the next level more than they cry when their told to get the fuck off stage. Nothing wrong with being emotional, but please, stop the tears and start the fuckin' performance. On, "So You Think You Can Dance," some girl came on stage, crying here eyes out, and she told the judges she cant go on with the competition any more because she got a movie contract through her agent. Seriously? I thought she was going to tell them the reason is because she was diagnosed with crotch cancer. These guys start crying because they have to cut their hair because one of the judges said something about it. Stop crying and start fuckin' dancing! Oh, and one more thing. On American Idol, stop it with these bullshit preview stories about the contestants great-grandma dieing from a squirl attack so they can gain sympathy. Get rid of it. And these hott ass wives trying to get sympathy points before they sing by bringing in a picture of their G.I Joe husband who got deployed to Iraq needs to stop. Did he die in Iraq yet? No!?!? Then shut the fuck up and sing a fuckin' song. Okay, I'm done!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Do you ever get bored and just let your mind drift off, then start thinking about what people have done to each other in the history of mankind? Here's some of the murderous activities we've engaged in and the people who have done it. (in no particular order.) Do you remember? The Holocaust- Genocide- Ethnic cleansing- Vietnam War- Persian Gulf War- Hiroshima- Hitler- Stallin- Mussolini- Genocide in Rwanda- WWI- WWII- Korean War- Russian Revolution- Slavery- Invasion of the Indians- Atomic bomb- The Mexican War- The Cold War- The Italian Mafia- The Mexican Mafia- Russian Mafia- Asian Mafia- Serial killers, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, and the night stalker Richard Ramirez- Serial rapist- O.J Simpson- Assassination of MLk Jr.- Assassination of JFk- Assassination of Abraham Lincoln- Corruption in North Korea- December 7th 1941- September 11th 2001- The North Hollywood shootout- British invasion of the Irish- The Berlin Wall- Mexican Revolution- Fidel Castro- The murder of Jon Benet Ramsey- The abduction of Elizabeth Smart- The Oklahoma City Bombing- The Columbine shootings- Virginia Tech shootings- The beating of Rodney King- the L.A. Riots- The beating of Reginal Denny- The making of Meth, Heroin and Cocaine- Nuclear Warfare- Bombings in Iraq, Labia, Grenada and Panama- Corrupt Dictatorship- Torture- Hatred- Police brutality- Animal torture- Child molestation- Spousal abuse- Child abuse- Pornography- Sex slaves (red light districts)- The Ku Klux Klan- Street gangs- Alqueta, and the fuckin Tella Tubie's. We were not supposed to happen. Poor Planet Earth!
Monday, October 26, 2009
It's not news!
I'm going to go over some stuff that the news media feeds us and I'll explain why it doesn't deserve coverage:
Retired athletes putting on a walk for the fight against hunger is not news. It's a publicity stunt. You know how you fight against hunger? You give a hungry person food! You deliver canned food to economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. You don't have your publicist contact every news station before you go on a walk. Walking doesn't do shit for hungry people. Publicity stunts are never news.
Drive-by shootings don't count as news either. News means NEW. Drive-by shootings happen everyday. Besides, it's most likely the cops doing these shootings for job security. Cops are the biggest criminals that society has to offer. Fuck the cops!
A man asking his girlfriend to marry him in an airplane by having her look out the window at a big sign that says "will you marry?" is a waste of my time and it's definitely not news. It's a bored man going to desperate levels to be a member of the institution of marriage. Now, if the plane crashes after she says yes, then I'll stop whatever I'm doing to watch the ten o'clock news.
An old person celebrating their 100th birthday is not news. It's sad. It's a devastating reminder of how long I'll be paying taxes on medicare.
Miley Cyrus quitting twitter is not fuckin' news. It's stupid. Who gives a fuck? Fuck Miley! Does this one really need to be explained? It's just a matter of time till her career plummets to the ground and she'll be forced to join the porn industry. Stop wasting my time, not that it's valuable or anything, just stop.
Retired athletes putting on a walk for the fight against hunger is not news. It's a publicity stunt. You know how you fight against hunger? You give a hungry person food! You deliver canned food to economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. You don't have your publicist contact every news station before you go on a walk. Walking doesn't do shit for hungry people. Publicity stunts are never news.
Drive-by shootings don't count as news either. News means NEW. Drive-by shootings happen everyday. Besides, it's most likely the cops doing these shootings for job security. Cops are the biggest criminals that society has to offer. Fuck the cops!
A man asking his girlfriend to marry him in an airplane by having her look out the window at a big sign that says "will you marry?" is a waste of my time and it's definitely not news. It's a bored man going to desperate levels to be a member of the institution of marriage. Now, if the plane crashes after she says yes, then I'll stop whatever I'm doing to watch the ten o'clock news.
An old person celebrating their 100th birthday is not news. It's sad. It's a devastating reminder of how long I'll be paying taxes on medicare.
Miley Cyrus quitting twitter is not fuckin' news. It's stupid. Who gives a fuck? Fuck Miley! Does this one really need to be explained? It's just a matter of time till her career plummets to the ground and she'll be forced to join the porn industry. Stop wasting my time, not that it's valuable or anything, just stop.
Needs to stop. Do these people actually think they are going to make a difference by standing on a street corner or in front of a building with a picket sign? Seriously, I'm tired of being bothered by these people while I'm sitting at a red light or while I'm walking in a grocery store. I might start protesting against protesting, but I guess that'll be a little contradicting. However, fuck protesting! I don't care what it's about. I don't care if it's a religious or political protest, get rid of it. Stop protesting and go home, you wont change anything. Stop protesting against the war, stop protesting against gay marriage, stop protesting abortion because this government is not going to do whats best for the public, the government is going to do whatever is financially beneficial. That's the reality we live in. Save me the grace and get the fuck outta here with this protesting shit. Acknowledge your beliefs and keep it to yourself. But if you really believe in something and insist on protesting, then demonstrate like the South Vietnam Monks- Set yourself on fire! That might be a little closer to making a statement. So, next time you go out to protest, put down the picket sign, and bring yourself some matches and gasoline. Your gonna need it.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Fanaticism- The willingness to die for an idea. That's the kind of people who we are at war with. Not people willing to die for loved one's or for their country, understood? Willing to die for an idea or a belief is far more extreme than to die for materialistic goods. We are completely distracted with cell phones, Ipod's, lifted trucks, Disneyland, sports, designer clothes, 20 inch rims and Harry Potter, we have no idea what were in store for. I don't think this government is enough prepared for what can happen when there are germs, chemicals and nuclear materials for sale all over the world. We have American soldiers in Iraq who are letting off some rounds, throwing some grenades and playing on myspace, with the realistic understanding that they might die for their country. Then you have Islamic fanatics who are not only willing to die, but they want to die for the simple idea of what they believe in. All in the name if Allah! Islamic extremist are not to be fucked with. Palestine and Iraq will not tolerate with peace and order. Can we please accept the reality? This might sound contradicting, but I believe that the repression of women doesn't last forever. In the history of mankind, men have always tried to control women and it have always eventually failed. To repress the female gender is what the Islamic fundamentalist want and believe in. It's also what Nazi Germany believed in, and look at them now.
No more hugs!
Listen up dudes! Stop huggin' each other, okay? Just stop. I'm not homophobic and I'm very strong about my sexuality, but for the sake of the male gender, stop hugging each other. Alright! Male on male hugging expresses fake enthusiasm and poor people skills. It's flat out awkward. So, when you run into me at a bar, just shake my hand. No hugs! I also have a problem with the chest bumps. Stop it, okay? Fuckin' knock that shit off. Pronto! The chest bump is whack ass preppy-frat boy-college nonsense. Male on male hugging and the chest bump is an obnoxious invasion of privacy and it have never been socially acceptable. Get rid of it. I'm just sayin'.
Stop lying!
If you don't like liars, then keep it to yourself. I know you don't like liars. Who likes them? I'm tired of conversing with someone and then they say: "I don't like liars." Duh! Who does? It's such an empty statement. There's no thought behind it because nobody likes a liar. Liars don't even like liars because their in the same business. So for now on, don't publically announce the fact that you don't like liars because it's a universal knowledge among the human intelligence. I'm here to help!
I have a problem.
No, I have an "issue" or a "challenge." Have you noticed that shit? Nobody in America has problems anymore, only "issues" and "challenges." Relationships end because of "issues," not problems. People have mental "challenges" and physical "issues." Children have behavior "issues" and "challenges" coping with classmates at school, not problems. Mommy and daddy don't want someone to say little Billy has problems. Why does America insist on this soft fucking language? Well, I guess it's easier to deal with and refuse to accept reality. I don't tolerate this euphemistic language. I refuse to adopt it. It's fuckin' soft, okay? This is why America is getting soft :Language, It always gives it away. Politically correct bullshit! Not for me! I have trust problems, mental problems, money problems, heart problems, kidney problems, authority problems and a problem with society. Over and out.
More of my rants and raves.
I'm sure by now you know that I have zero tolerance for stupid bullshit, as far as; politics, media, celebrities, social problems, authority, life, etc. etc. You wanna know who's mothers I wish had medical plans which involved abortion? The Jonas Brothers. Fuck them! A promise bracelet to NOT have sex? What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? I thought the whole idea to become a famous-rich musician is to increase your chances of getting laid. "Lets not have sex." Get the fuck outta here Jonas Brothers.
John Walsh, the host of America's Most Wanted is another biological mistake who I wish didn't exist. He set up a whole network t.v show so he can turn America into abunch of rats and snitches. Fuck him! "We need your help." Fuck off John! And get rid of that leather jacket, you fuckin' coward. Let the cops find the bad guys, it's their job! I abide by the code of silence. Never cooperate with law enforcement.
John Walsh, the host of America's Most Wanted is another biological mistake who I wish didn't exist. He set up a whole network t.v show so he can turn America into abunch of rats and snitches. Fuck him! "We need your help." Fuck off John! And get rid of that leather jacket, you fuckin' coward. Let the cops find the bad guys, it's their job! I abide by the code of silence. Never cooperate with law enforcement.
It's not attitude.
I'm sick and fuckin' tired of people saying Perez Hilton has attitude while he's on Power 106 with Big Boy in the morning. Fuck Perez! That's another thing, I usually don't follow mainstream bullshit, but I actually liked Power 106 until Perez Hilton came on the show. People get snotty and attitude mixed up. Perez is snotty, he doesn't have attitude. Alright? Like a snotty little bitch. Wanna know what attitude is? I have a friend who beat the shit out of some guy while the guy was sleeping, broke his fuckin' face, didn't give the guy a chance to wake up, just started swinging. Because the guy did something that my friend didn't like. That's fuckin' attitude. Perez doesn't have that, he's just snotty. I bring this up because I want to express my thoughts on how I feel this country is getting soft. It's these baby-boomer professional mommy's who put a fucking helmet on their child every time the child looks at his tricycle. (When I ate shit, I got back on my bike and ignored the blood flowing down my head, maybe that's why I'm like this, but still, I'm not fuckin soft.) Then these kids grow up and they think people like Perez Hilton and these Red Carpet fashion-guru critics have attitude, when their only snotty. Snotty is soft!
These thoughts might be the reason I don't go to the expensive universities and why I'm not able to maintain a large circle of friends?!?!?
These thoughts might be the reason I don't go to the expensive universities and why I'm not able to maintain a large circle of friends?!?!?
Friday, October 23, 2009
My out-look on "life."
I'm a biological mistake but also a medical miracle. I don't believe in politics, law enforcement, justice system and further more this government. I don't believe in the act of reproduction even though I like to engage in it, and I don't believe in the institution of marriage. I don't believe in modern technology or heavy industry but I have to take my hat off to modern medicine. I think this human game should have called it quits a long time ago. Were just planet earths guest, a failed mutation. I am completely fascinated by human behavior but completely repulsed by human beings. I like to sit back and recognize the decay and disintegration of society, but I have no intent to help or improve because I observe from a save distance. I am not emotionally attached to life because I simply don't care, I don't care or worry about money, bills, health, transportation, inventions, designer clothes, expensive restaurants, spelling words correctly or anything else man has created. I find it completely devastating how humans have to control everything, nature, countries, the planet, other people, animals, mammals, insects, rain forest, jungles, oceans, because in all reality, we will be instinct just like the 95% of every living specie that has ever stepped foot on this beautiful planet. I think we need to practice minding our own business. In the end, the reward is death. As you can see I am still investigating religion, but it's not a big deal to me. You may find this as hatred or suicidal, but it is neither of both, it's simply an understanding. I think we are a part of a higher order, something that the human mind will never have the mental capacity to ever understand. Maybe were a closed-end biological mistake, a failed mutation, an evolutionary cul-di-sac, or maybe it is all just an optical illusion.
Will it ever end?
Even though he was a freak of fucking nature and he liked to play with little boy's private parts, Michael Jackson was a mega-pop-superstar. He was, hands down, the king of pop, he mastered the art of dancing and he made very decent music. I'm actually kinda grateful for all this bullshit media frenzy about his death because it reminds me of all the famous people who I really don't want to die, not that I like them or give two shits about their existence, I just don't want to go through all this mindless bullshit coverage about funeral plans and everything else that comes along with famous people's death. If I had it my way, I would make sure all these self-centered celebrities lived forever, or at least I would procrastinate their death until after mine.
Oakland Raiders.
One of the best things I did for myself in the last five years, I told sports to go eat shit! Abunch of meat-heads, coked-out, roided-out tossing a ball at each other just falls about 50 yards short of interesting me. In contrary, when it comes to football, I root for the Oakland Raiders. Three reasons: I was born in Oakland, gotta root for my roots, ya know? Reason two: The colors are fuckin' solid; black and silver. There is nothing soft about black and silver. Reason number three is the most important. The Oakland Raiders hires abunch of castoffs, outlaws, criminals and fuck ups. They are avid at committing penalties, they get in alot of fights, they deliver alot of late hits and Al Davis told the rest of the NFL owners to go get fucked. I like that kind of shit. Oh, and the die hard Raider fans don't give a fuck. Straight ruthless! When I saw that video of the Raider Nation guy stabbing that dude in the stands, all I can think was-"Fuck yeah, that's the team for me!" If football had a team that lived on the out-skirts of society, it would be the Raiders, hands fuckin' down. It may not happen this season, but I think the Raiders will come back. However, if they don't come back, quite frankly, I don't give a fuck. Fuck sports!
Fuck her! That's rite, fuck her ass to death. I mean that. You know what we should do to her? We should do something that those crazy mid-evil time motherfuckers never thought of. Tie her ass up-side down, then pore wet cement in her vagina and leave her to dry. I know, it's scientifically and biologically imposable, but it's a start. We'll make it a pay-per-view event. It'll be completely legal because she's also fucked up, and I believe in extreme capitol punishment, just kidding, but not really. However, lets get back to the genetic defect-Octomom. How can she do something like that? Bring fourteen unfortunate-fatherless people into this disgusting, evil, polluted thing we call "life." She's so desperate to become famous, she betrayed her own identity by trying to look like Brad Pitts wife, however the fuck you spell her name. And were supposed to help her out? Fuck that! Let those children grow up in such debauchery and filth so they can end up hating her, and hopefully they'll kill her. Like the Menendez brothers. Oh yeah, the children? Well, don't think I haven't thought of a flawless plan for our future criminals. I say, fly all fourteen of 'em out to the African Congo Jungle, and drop 'em. At least they'll stand a better chance surviving among the apes, snakes, lions, tigers, poisonous spiders and the tribal people, then they ever will with the non-stop bombardment from the media and the piece of shit mother of theirs. Talk about a reality show. And the doctor who allowed this to happen? Simple and old fashion, one bullet, shoot him between the fuckin' eyes!
Kidding rite?
Have you heard of the Empathy Breast? It might be old news for some, but here is goes: It's a wrap-around vest that has a pocket for placing the infants bottle in. Whats the big deal? When I first heard about it, I thought it was for mothers who cant produce breast milk. Boy, was I wrong! Check this shit out: It's for daddy! He puts it on so he can reenact an actual female breast feeding. Statistics show that when a mother breast feeds her baby, she grows a closer bond with the child. But the dad? How embarrassing. Just imagine going to a bar with your friends to watch the Clippers get their asses kicked, then you tell your drinking buds what kind of activities you engaged in with your new born. Poor guy. Talk about getting your ass kicked. That's what sports is for, and fishing, and strip clubs. Those are bonding activities for a father to do with his children. Not Empathy Breast's. When did this country lose it's edge?
Lorena Bobbitt
You know who should run for president? Lorena Bobbitt. Remember her? Shes that chick who cut off her husbands dick and drove around with it and eventually tossed it out the car window. Remember her now? She should run for president because she doesn't fuck around, she knows how to get the job done. We need someone like that running this country. Especially in a time of war! She knows how to hit someone where it counts. Good for her. It's time we have a female president. Fuck Hilary. Bobbitt for president.
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